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Join to learn more about Creating impactful partnerships

Join this interactive and action oriented event to learn more about how to create highly impactful partnerships between corporations and nonprofit organizations. You’ll hear first hand about the experience of Salesforce, Workday and Box and how they’ve created a variety of successful cross-sector partnerships.

During the event you’ll learn about:

  • the different types of partnerships that could form between different sectors
  • the benefits to your employees and society
  • what you need to know before you seek such partnerships

Here’s why you should join, if are an Employee Engagement/CSR Professional:

  • Learn how you and your team can create impactful partnerships with nonprofit organizations
  • Get inspired by the creativity and diversity of case studies discussed at the event
  • Engage and ask questions in break-out sessions
  • Connect with other employee engagement professionals and inspiring nonprofits
  • Get the “Employee Engagement Self-assessment” to learn where your organization can grow in this area

Here’s why you should join, if you are a nonprofit professional:

  • Learn about how decisions are made in the corporate sector, and what are the priorities/expectations
  • Find inspiration and new ideas from listening to nonprofits share their journey to successful corporate partnerships
  • Ask questions in break-out sessions
  • Connect with other NPO employees and engagement professionals
  • Find out what gaps you have to close before you are ready for a corporate partnership through the “NPO readiness self-assessment”


Below is a glance at the event’s Agenda

  • Welcome
  • **Coffee Chats**
  • Panel: Behind the curtain of some successful partnerships

2 Breakout Sessions

Break-out 1: Formal Partnerships

Examples: What is a formal partnership? How does it come about? What are the pros and cons of such a partnership? Q&A

Break-out 2: Employee Driven Partnerships

Examples: What is an employee-driven partnership? How is this different from a formal partnership, and how do I establish one? What are the pros and cons of such a partnership? Q&A

  • Regroup & Takeaways
  • Next Steps and Wrap-up

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