
One of the biggest challenges in the community we are working in is child abandonment due to economic insecurity. We are working to upskill youth, young mothers and community members in one of the disadvantaged suburbs of Kigali to help them qualify for better paying jobs. By improving computer skills, English language fluency and business/income generating skill we are supporting stable homes and healthier children.


2019 Marks a new beginning

After doing the hard work of our discovery and design process, we are now ready to pack our bags and deliver the first phase of our Rwanda project. Hope and Homes for Children (HHC) Rwanda was established in 2002 and has worked to reduced the number of orphanages from 31 to 4. They have built and established over 30 community programs for the disadvantaged which are run almost completely by community volunteers. The Kigarama community center is one of those programs and is at the heart of Hope and Homes work in Rwanda. Run by local volunteers, it is home to:
  • 4 Nursery School classes
  • Karate, Aerobics, Arts, and Sports classes
  • Two levels of English Classes
  • A center for income generating groups
  • A nutrition teaching hub
  • And more!
Hope and Homes’ goal for this and other centers is that they become self-reliant and sustainable. They also want to develop and improve this center so that it can be an economic center for the community. They understand that in order to create a safe home for disadvantaged children their families and community must be financially self-sufficient and sustainable. Venture 2 Impact has been invited to help establish the Kigarama Community Center as a self-sufficient and sustainable community hub that benefits as many people as possible. Our strategy is to train and enable as many people as possible to ensure self-sufficiency and sustainability of the community center.

How we plan to do it

The four main groups that we will focus on to maximize our efforts are:


HHC Employees and Staff

The HHC Employees & Staff can benefit from English, Computer and Management training.


Volunteer and Student Teachers

The Volunteer Teachers can pass on their trainings to community members and children.


Income Generating (IG) Groups

The members of the IG Groups can help drive the success of the Community Hub with their success.


Community Members and Children

The general community and children are very eager and excited to work with V2I.

Listen to our live chat

Hope and Homes for Children  believes that every child has the right to grow up in a loving family. Orphanages do not protect children. They harm them. Hope and Homes are working towards a day when every child can grow up in a loving family. Hope and Homes for Children is a global expert in the field of de-institutionalisation. By closing institutions, supporting children into loving, stable families and working with governments to tackle the root causes of family breakdown, they are working towards a day where orphanages have been eradicated for good.

Read stories

Nothing explains our work and our impact more than stories that come from our volunteers and those involved in our projects. We invite you to take some time to read more …

Volunteering with Family

Our family has seen various levels of poverty during our travels. To help combat poverty we mostly made donations in the past. More recently, I’ve volunteered at our local community school and my husband joined the board for a high school in a vulnerable community. As our sense of the importance of community increased over the years, we have become more interested in contributing our time, in a meaningful way.

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Everyone Can Make an Impact

I had long thought about ways to give back to the broader community when I stumbled across Venture 2 Impact for the first time. In all my attempts to try and find a way to give back I was struggling with finding something where I felt I could really contribute uniquely with my specific skill set in a way that seemed sustainable to the community I was trying to help.

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