
Children with disabilities have very few facilities and support in India. There are strong social stigmas due to a lack of education that add complexity to raising children with disabilities (such as believing that disabilities are contagious or that he mothers are somehow to blame). Through Leimann Hospital’s Anugrah program, we are designing and implementing innovative solutions that improve mobility, education, and community integration for children and their parents. The Anugrah program serves individuals and families affected by disabilities with a focus on developing skills, empowering people with disabilities, and promoting acceptance within communities.


“We are grateful to have worked with V2I. The team not only helped in strategic planning but has agreed to mentor us through the implementation. Their approach caused us to reflect and view Anugrah from the customer’s perspective. They enabled us to balance responding to needs while working on capacity building to handle the need. They helped identify the human resource gaps for Anugrah to function efficiently and got us to think about prioritizing what is important and what can be left out. They enabled different stakeholders to identify their role in supporting Anugrah and moved us to consider having stakeholders part of decision making. We loved the team of V2I volunteers and hope to continue journeying together.”
Herbertpur, India

The dedicated people in the Anugrah program serve individuals and families affected by disabilities with a focus on developing skills, empowering people with disabilities, and promoting acceptance within communities. They work with over 120 families to provide services such as:

  • In-home care
  • Learning centers – where children can develop in community
  • Carpentry workshop – Where they build wheel chairs and other devices but also teach those with disabilities vocational carpentry skills
  • Prosthetics and Orthotics

Anugrah trains local community members to run most of their programs and is quickly moving towards becoming a professional medical training institution. In their province alone it is estimated that there are between 600,000 and 800,000 people who suffer from disabilities with minimal care.

Read stories

Nothing explains our work and our impact more than stories that come from our volunteers and those involved in our projects. We invite you to take some time to read more …

Serving The Disabled

“I’ve volunteered with V2I four times, and they have all been incredible experiences. In particular though, my most recent volunteer trip to India was especially impactful . . .”

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