Our Work

Our Focus

Venture 2 Impact unlocks opportunities to advance education, empowerment, and economic development for local communities by leveraging a sustainable way of creating impact. By transferring knowledge directly to local partners and end beneficiaries, we are providing life long skills to advance gender equity, income generation and well-being. 

Our Focus at a glance


We co-create educational training opportunities for NGOs’ staff and end beneficiaries to address skills gaps related to digital literacy skills, business & entrepreneurship, and language, among others. 


We co-create programs to empower our NGO partners and end beneficiaries by building capacity through training, skills development, resource access, and network creation. We place a particular emphasis on meaningful participation of women and girls to further local gender equity. 

Economic Development

We co-create opportunities for economic development by working with our NGO partner communities to provide soft and technical skill training, in particular, business and entrepreneurship training to further self-employment or increase access to meaningful careers.

Harnessing Skills Volunteers

We harness skilled volunteers to amplify our partners’ impact and to provide transformative learning opportunities for our volunteer community. 

Unlocking purpose, potential, and impact

Our approach

Venture 2 Impact uses a transformative approach throughout the design, delivery, and monitoring & evaluation of its projects. We actively shift power dynamics and oppressive structures by empowering our volunteer and NGO partners to shape the project every step of the way.

Our collaborative process is reflected in the following 6 steps:

1. Co-Initiate & Empathize:

We work with established nonprofits and charities to understand the complexities and needs of the communities experiencing marginalization that they serve. Together, we build a common intent and interest.

2. Co-Discover:

We dive in deep to learn about who we are designing for and what challenges or opportunities they may experience through User Labs and other discovery techniques, like Key Informant Interviews and Focus Groups. We work to ensure that women and girls and other groups disproportionately impacted in their communities’, are at the centre of the design and delivery of our projects.

3. Co-Define:

We capture all points of view, determine which needs or challenges can be addressed through the use of our skilled volunteers, and define success.

4. Co-Create & Ideate:

We co-create concepts and create a pathway to meaningfully integrate volunteers who can address the needs of communities experiencing marginalization.

5. Co-Test:

We recruit local expertise and skilled volunteers to design solutions to address community needs. We test these solutions with a target group or area, prior to bringing the project to scale.

6. Co-Evolve, Learn & Scale:

We develop an equally transformative approach to monitoring, evaluation, and reporting to enhance benefits for the community, establish accountability, learn and evolve the project to sustain our impact.

Learn about the impacts of our process

Our Impact


Our Impact at a glance

people have indirectly benefited from V2I projects and programs
1 M +
raised for V2I projects and program
1 M $
volunteers who have co-created impact
1 +
of participants who benefited from V2I projects and programs are women and girls
1 %
volunteer hours
10 +
Countries where V2I has implemented projects

Our progress towards impact

We’re linking global communities to create lasting impact

We have isolated four goals to focus our efforts and project outcomes. Check out how we’re examining and enhancing progress toward the goals.

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

our goal

Increase capacity of local partners who are focused on poverty alleviation by leveraging technology and training to  impact more community members


Host NGO training and mentor sessions or new or scaled projects and programs to increase capacity, reach and impact

ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

our goal

Improve equitable access to education and learning for NGO staff and community members, especially youth, women and girls


Recruit, train and employ local staff and community members, especially women and girls, to receive training or deliver train-the-trainer models

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

our goal

Increase support in project communities for women and girls’ economic participation, empowerment and decision-making


Engage women and girls in the design and delivery of our projects, develop projects specifically targeted at women and girls, and work with local women rights groups.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Our goal

Improve the successful transition of youth and omen & girls into the workforce and society


Provide technical and soft skills training, opportunities for social inclusion and business development

Case Studies

E-commerce for survivors of human trafficking

Providing female survivors of human trafficking with the training required to launch e-commerce platforms


How our 2020 NGO training series benefited nonprofit organizations around the world


Training and mentoring Gambian youth to become entrepreneurs 

Virtual Hackathon

Innovating data collection for 29,000 children in rural Uganda


Facilitating educational camps focused on empowering disadvantaged youth


Improving mobility, education, and community integration for those with disabilities


Education isolated Afro-Ecuadorian children affected by racial discrimination


Business development training in isolated communities for local entrepreneurs


Upskilling youth and young mothers for better-paying jobs to reduce child abandonment

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