
Teo and Maria

Teo & Maria Building long-lasting bonds through volunteerism In 2018, Teo Strynatka, an artist originally from Romania, co-founded a Volunteer Program in Baia Mare, Romania with Venture 2 Impact. It

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Public Engagement for Public Good

Venture 2 Impact is in the midst of rediscovering our approach to monitoring, evaluation, and reporting impact to improve our gender equality and transformative evaluation methods. Learn a bit more about our journey in this post.

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Volunteering with Family

Our family has seen various levels of poverty during our travels. To help combat poverty we mostly made donations in the past. More recently, I’ve volunteered at our local community school and my husband joined the board for a high school in a vulnerable community. As our sense of the importance of community increased over the years, we have become more interested in contributing our time, in a meaningful way.

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Everyone Can Make an Impact

I had long thought about ways to give back to the broader community when I stumbled across Venture 2 Impact for the first time. In all my attempts to try and find a way to give back I was struggling with finding something where I felt I could really contribute uniquely with my specific skill set in a way that seemed sustainable to the community I was trying to help.

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Serving The Disabled

“I’ve volunteered with V2I four times, and they have all been incredible experiences. In particular though, my most recent volunteer trip to India was especially impactful . . .”

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